
Share rates and APY's listed above are accurate for the dividend period ending 02/01/2013. Money Market Rates and APY's listed are accurate for the dividend period ending 06/30/2013. Dividend rates and APYs for future periods have not been determined. Rates are subject to change without notice. Fees may reduce earnings on these accounts. The dividend period for all accounts is quarterly. Penalties may be applied if withdrawals are made before the maturity date on Certificates. Please contact the Credit Union at (502)772-5780 in Louisville or (502)348-8130 in Bardstown regarding any questions or current rate information.  Accounts are federally insured to $250,000 by the National Credit Union Administration.


Auto Loans

*Must meet credit requirements
Year Vehicle Loan % NADA Amount Gap Coverage
2024 100% NADA Amount we loan Car Motorcycle
2017 - 2023 100% NADA Amount we loan $435.00 $435.00
2016 - older 100% NADA Amount we loan    

Home Loans

All rates except Home Equity Lines of Credit are Fixed. IMPORTANT NOTICE: The Final Annual Percentage rate will be based on the Applicant's Credit Score and may vary from the rates listed above.  The term and amount financed may vary based on vehicle condition and the applicant's credit history.

**Annual Percentage Rate.  Rates are Effective October 1, 2022, and are subject to change without notice.

Loan Type Variable Fixed
HELOC Contact the credit union for rate & term information. Contact the credit union for rate & term information.


Share Certificate Dividend Rate           APY**        Minimum Balance          
6 Month Certificate .10% .10% $1000
12 Month Certificate .15% .15% $1000
18 Month Certificate .20% .20% $1000
36 Month Certificate 2.00% 2.02% $1000
48 Month Certiciate 2.10% 2.12% $1000
IRA Certificate 12 Month .15% .15% $2000
IRA Certificate 24 Month .30% .30% $2000
IRA Certificate 36 Month 2.00% 2.02% $2000

Share Rates

Account Dividend Rate APY**  Min Bal
Prime Shares .010% .010% $5.00
Special .010% .010% $5.00
Holiday 1.25% 1.25% $5.00
Vacation 1.00% 1.00% $5.00
Money One .05% .05% $10,005
IRA .01% .01% N/A